Engineering Manager, Robot Software



Software Engineering, Other Engineering
Mountain View, CA, USA
Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2023

Who are we?

We’re building artificial intelligence capable of complex driving using end-to-end deep learning; one which can scale across diverse urban environments. Wayve is building a full driving software system which is data-driven at every layer, learning to drive. Our unique end-to-end machine learning approach learns to drive in complex, never-seen-before urban environments. We learn to drive with computer vision by both observing human driving, and by using reinforcement learning.

This is one of the world’s hardest and most impactful problems to solve. Which is why we’re building a diverse, world-class team of people who are motivated by the opportunity to work with brilliant people on challenging problems that leave a positive impact on society.

Impact expected

As an Engineering Manager for the Robot Software Platform Team, you will lead a team of 10 engineers in building the software infrastructure for Wayve’s next-generation hardware platform which will run on our autonomous vehicles. The Software Platform team is responsible for designing and developing reliable and observable software solutions. Other challenges include: the integration of new sensors, collection of data at massive scale, running onboard inference and optimisation of the software stack for latency, consistency, and observability.

In this role, you will:

  • Actively fostering and promoting technical excellence within the team.
  • Lead technical discussions and guide technical direction where needed.
  • Communicate effectively with internal stakeholders, and other teams within the organisation to ensure alignment.
  • Work closely with team members to develop career plans and growth trajectories.
  • Define and own the strategy, vision and metrics for the Robot Software Platform team.

What we are looking for in our candidate


  • Proven track record of leading engineering teams.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage software engineers and grow their careers.
  • Track record of promoting software engineering best practices and excellence within the team.
  • Good foundational coding knowledge and experience.


  • Prior experience leading teams at a growing company
  • Practical experience with: Embedded Linux systems, scalable or distributed systems, robotics
  • Experience performant systems language like C++ and/or Rust
  • Experience in building software for high performance computing systems with large scale of data throughput

What we offer:

  • Competitive compensation with salary and equity
  • Immersion in a team of world-class researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs
  • A unique position to shape the future of autonomy and tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time
  • Bespoke learning and development opportunities
  • Flexible working hours - we trust you to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team
  • Private onsite chef, in-house bar, lots of socials, and more!

Wayve is built by people from all walks of life. We believe that it is our differences that make us stronger, and our unique perspectives and backgrounds that allow us to build something different. We are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace, where we don’t just embrace diversity but nurture it - so that we all thrive and grow.