Safety Engineer



Other Engineering
London, UK
Posted on Thursday, January 4, 2024

Who are We?

At Wayve, we are developing AV2.0, a very powerful and versatile software stack that can learn and adapt efficiently to various driving environments, therefore allowing us to be the first AV company to deploy in 100 cities scattered around the globe.

This is not a small feat but thanks to our end-to-end deep learning approach, we are confident we can achieve it. With great challenges come great responsibilities, the safety assurance of our automated driving system (ADS) is the most important and most complex one.

If you are looking at putting your safety skills to the test, there is no better place to be than at Wayve. Please join our safety engineers to design and orchestrate our L4 ADS safety assurance framework!

Your Responsibilities

In collaboration with the other safety expert(s):

  • Architect, specify and lead the development of the functional safety concept of Wayve’s ADS for the present and future vehicle platforms
  • Keep abreast of the latest guidelines, standards and AV industry practices about developing a compelling safety case for an ML-based ADS, and design Wayve’s safety framework for the development of such a safety case
  • Work collaboratively with Wayve’s teams (Driving Intelligence, Fleet Learning, Simulation,...) to implement and tailor the safety framework
  • Participate in, promote Wayve’s ideas to, and influence the relevant AV safety working groups such as to ensure Wayve’s strategy to demonstrate the safety of its end-to-end machine learning approach will be compliant with future standards, regulations and guidelines

Your Skills


Very good knowledge of ISO 26262:2018 and a minimum 10 years of applying the standard (ver 2011 or 2018 of the standard) parts 2..6, 8 and 9 on a variety of systems.

  • Strong experience in part 6 - in writing SW safety requirements, designing and reviewing SW architectures and test cases, designing and implementing SW development processes in compliance with ISO 26262 requirements and training the personnel to follow them.
  • Strong experience in the overall process of deriving hardware and software safety requirements starting with the development of an HARA (i.e. then developing FSC, TSC and finally HW/SW requirements).
  • Experience in presenting or conducting safety audits and assessments.
  • Experience in managing automotive tiers suppliers and OEMs for the co-development of safety-critical systems . This implies, for example, setting up and negotiating DIAs, leading requirements elicitations and change requests, and defining safety concepts jointly with third parties..
  • Knowledge and experience in developing a safety argument in goal-structuring notation diagrams is desirable.
  • Proficient in the design and implementation of supporting processes such as requirement management, change management, and configuration management. Practical experience with requirement management tools such as IBM Doors, Siemens Polarion, is desirable.


Understanding of the principles of SOTIF for the development of L2 or above automated systems is desired..

  • Sufficient knowledge of neural networks (architectures, algorithms, training and testing pipeline) to understand the challenges associated with the safety assurance of such systems, being able to discuss options and rationales with our scientists.
  • Familiar with the following (or related) standards and guidelines:
  • SaFAD
  • NHTSA A vision for safety
  • ISO/DIS 21448
  • UL4600
  • British Standard Institute (BSI) PAS 188x series
  • Practical experience in the implementation of SPICE or A-SPICE requirements alongside ISO 26262-6:2018 requirements for the development of safety-critical software is a plus.

About yourself

  • You are truly passionate about Safety and this is reflected in the way you explain in terms appropriate to your audience the essence of system safety and formulate the key takeaway messages.
  • You are pragmatic, you understand the need to balance risk versus benefits, even more so in a startup environment.
  • You are comfortable in debating with other stakeholders safety-related trade-offs, at any level of the development process and at any level of the organisation.
  • You are a self-starter, autonomous in thoughts but collective in action.
  • You are equally able to think “blue sky” and pave the way for long-term safety goals, as well as think short-term, and provide detailed and clear functional safety guidance for the development of a subsystem (e.g. controller) or launching an application (robotaxi)
  • You are confident in challenging others’ ideas and views, but equally, are open to constructive criticism and able to reconsider your opinions or beliefs.

What we offer you

  • Attractive compensation with salary and equity
  • Immersion in a team of world-class researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs
  • A unique position to shape the future of autonomous driving and tackle the biggest challenge of our time
  • Bespoke learning and development opportunities
  • Relocation support with visa sponsorship
  • Flexible working hours - we trust you to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team
  • Private onsite chef, in-house bar, lots of socials, and more!

Wayve is built by people from all walks of life. We believe that it is our differences that make us stronger, and our unique perspectives and backgrounds that allow us to build something different. We are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace, where we don’t just embrace diversity but nurture it - so that we all thrive and grow.